Guess the number of chic items in the stores that are screaming out `Buy me, buy me'. How many people can really ignore the voices in their heads and move on. Or do they only do so when their wallets protest that it is time to move on. The temptation is too great to resist at times. We may end up buying things that we do not require or the things are all becoming `white elephants'.
Given the availability of plastic money, more often than not, people get into the vicious cycle of succumbing to their wants instead of needs. Indeed going by the number of malls and stores that are springing up, shopping is definitely a favourite pastime in Malaysia. There is no doubt that things must be bought at some point of time, however, it is the where, when and how we go about it that can make all the difference to our cashflow.
Should we therefore `shop till we drop .... but in this day and age, who doesn't?