We are not contented with ourselves. We spend much of our life pursuing things that the world tells us are important - power, prestige and wealth. If one day we attain wealth and power, are we contented with what we have? Are we sharing our wealth and status in life with someone we care and love?
I read in the media that there is an elderly couple who won a lottery. The couple kept a portion of the winnings and contributed the rest to charities, hospitals and churches. The couple has this to say `What you've never had, you never miss.' The statement struck a chord `We can never miss what we have never had.'
Wealth does not reveal much about our lifestyles. We have to love and cherish our family and friends. Even the very rich and powerful will say, as they face the reality of their mortality, that they wished they had spent more time with their loved ones and friends.
`Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor'
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