Crime rate is on the rising trend. Much has been said about street and property crime. As the war against crime is being waged, we need to accept certain realities that such phenomenon does not go away overnight. We are looking at reduced crime rate, be it on the street or in the property. It is not an understatement to say that crime rate cannot be eradicated totally but it can be managed to a certain extend.
Street Crime
Snatch theft though small in gravity is something we cannot ignore. At times the victim of the snatch theft get injured in the process. A sizeable proportion of this crime goes unreported and we should not rest on our laurels.
Preventive Measures
We are advised to face the ongoing traffic and to wear less jewellery. There are now more anti crime road blocks and also the installation of closed circuit television (CCTV) at high risk areas to deter the occurrence of snatch theft. The CCTV may not be very effective as a deterrent, however the CCTV assisted in the investigation of crime cases. Fighting crime should always be a joint effort between the public and the law enforcement unit.
Property Crime
This include loss of property where there is no use of violence by the perpetrators. Included in this category are housebreaking, theft of vehicles such as motorcycle and scooters. The perpetrators are closely monitoring the movement of their victims. Unknown to the victims, the perpetrators will know when the best time to strike.
Preventive Measures
There have been much talk on guided and gated community. Is this the answer to reducing the property crime? Well, the need for co-ordination between the various sectors is the key to combat property crime.
The police is to ensure that more patrols are done for high risk areas. The presence of the law enforcement unit does have an impact.
Something for sharing.
Yeah, I don't wear jewelery now a days. There were few cases of snatching in front of my house but I am not the victim. Anyway now they just set up a police station walking distant from my house. I have seen them ronda with cars and sometime with bikes. Make me fell safer now staying here.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. The presence of the police does make an impact. The police should make more rounds in high risk areas particularly where there were reported case of snatch theft and house break in.