Team Building refers to a wide range of activities for improving team performance that can range from simple bonding exercises to complex stimulations. Corporations in an effort to enhance people engagement will send their employees for team building. The rationale behind team building is to bring out the best in a team in terms of problem solving, building up relationships and foster closer bonding.
There are resorts which focus on team building facilities. Team building activities range from abseiling, go-carting, flying fox which one has to challenge oneself to the best.
In the spirit of team building, one can work to its optimum level to achieve success for the group and ultimately the Corporation as a whole. However in the corporate rat race, it is easily say than done as everyone wants to outdo each other. There may be the case of team building in the outdoor activities, however there is no team building at work.
People engagement is still a buzz word. It is a process whereby the employees are roped in for activities together on continuous basis. A fully engaged employee brings out the best and is committed to the work. Employee retention is an outcome of engagement and engagement is an outcome of how well you recruit and induct new employees.
So now, people engagement is the ultimate solution to bonding.
Something for sharing.
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