Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Time to reflect and look back

Half a year is almost gone. It is amazing how time flies and we do not realize it. With half year to go, are we half way to our targets, be it personally or financially?

Many of us started the new year outlining great plans or resolutions - making more money, reducing debts, increasing savings , starting to exercise or eating healthier - that are to be accomplished this year.  However, the problem tends to be with actual implementation.

Well, it is time to review our goals and if it falls short, then take corrective measures to bridge the gap.  With just six months to go, it is never too late to start working on our goals again.

Something for sharing.

Haze go away

The haze is back again. There is no doubt the haze has become an annual phenomenon in Malaysia as well as in South East Asia region. The haze happens almost at the same time of the year.

We are all well informed on where the haze is coming from - Indonesia.  However the current continuous flow of news relating to the haze has it that the country is not the only one to be blamed.   In the past, Indonesia had always been accused of open burning of its forests in order to make way for agricultural activities.  Finger pointing will not solve the issue at hand.

Burning may be the cheapest method for land clearing but it cannot be carried out at the expense of people's health and a country's economy.  Since the solution is not in place, let's just hope that the haze episode will not prolong.