Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Half empty, half full 2

Is the cup half empty?
Or is the cup half full?

Be an optimist and see the cup as being half full.
Before long, your attitude will rub off on others.
You can make the world a better place by simply making yourself a happier person.
If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.

Here's one to get you started.
Have a good day.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Half emply/half full

   Is the cup half empty?
   Is the cup half full?
   It is amazing how our preception can be changed by our attitude.
   Follow these advices and you can improve your life in 2013.
   Always remember that you are loved even when it doesn't seem like it.
   Don't let anything get you down, always bounce back up.

Set goals for your future and never settle for anything less.
Realise that there are others in the word with much bigger problems than you. Appreciate the good things in your life and be thankful for the time you have with your loved ones.
Spend more time with your family and friends.

Something for sharing.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Self talk

Sometimes we develop the habit of self talk.  Is self talk an affirmative of our internal thought and action?

If we develop the habit of positive self talk, it will boost our confidence.  Self talk is also the practice of auto suggestion.  For example,  we can tell ourselves `I can handle the situation', `I can do it' or `I have an excellent memory.'  Auto suggestions alter our belief system by influencing our subconscious mind.  As our behaviour is a relection of our belief system, positive auto suggestions will help improve our behaviour and soon enough become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Something for sharing.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Make a fresh start

It is the sixth day in year 2013.
It is not too late to make new year resolutions.

There are 4 rules to begin with
Rule 1: Make one resolution at a time
You have  to remain focus when making new year resolutions. It would be prudent to make one resolution at one time. You have to be very specific and tell yourself what are the end results that you wish to achieve.
If you start the New Year thinking, `I will lose weight, exercise four times a week, be a better person and make more money,' you will be overwhelmed and won't focus on anything.

Rule 2: Record it down
You have to keep track of your progress and in this way your goals won't be forgotten or changed.

Rule 3: Hold yourself accountable
You must be held accountable for our resolutions.  Designate a friend, a member or a coach to monitor your progress.

Rule 4: Be persistent
No goal will happen unless you keep working. 
This is where you need to use the third rule - have someone help you be accountable.

Something for sharing