Sunday, July 22, 2012

The birds and the bees

An aid worker has been asigned to a remote Malian village to talk to the inhabitants about the importance of birth control.

Armed with several boxes of condoms, he began his campiagn by talking about the correct usage of this contraceptive.  To get his message across, he demonstrated by putting a condom over the end of a broomstick.  The assembled villagers laughed with embarrassment and then nodded their heads to indicate that they understood the contraceptive's application.

Twelve months later, the village's birth rate had skyrocketed.  The aid worker was once again dispatched to speak to the local people.

`What happened?' he asked a village spokesperson. `Didn't you use the condoms I gave you?'

`We did everything as instructed.' the villager responded. `Just before making love to my wife, I would always put a condom on the end of our broomstick.  I don't understand what went wrong.'

Something for sharing.

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