Sunday, April 4, 2010


What is the difference of being passive, aggressive and assertive?
An illustration will bring more light
Being passive (child)
Passive response would be let the person stay in front. If you are not able to stand for yourself, you are being passive.

Being aggressive (parent)
Aggressive response be would be assumed they did on purpose and say `Hei, no cuts.'
If you able to stand up for yourself but disregard the rights and feelings of others, you are being aggressive.

Being assertive (adult)
As assertive respone would be `Excuse me but I was in line.'
Assertivesness is the ability to express one's feeling while respecting the rights of others. Assertive communication is direct, open and honest and able to state the facts right without offending others. Many view assertiveness as a personality trait that a forunate few are either born with or develop during their formative years. Assertive persons have positive self esteem.

There are 3 skills of an assertive persons:

The ability to say `no'
Many people may find it difficult to turn down a request for fear of offending the other party. We may say `no' in a diplomatic manner by offering alternatives.

The ability to ask
One should learn how to ask without imposing by making the request at the right time. When to ask and how to ask are also equally important factors.

The ability to craft assertive messages
Adopt assertive bahaviour such as maintaining good posture and looking people in the eyes and being decisive.

Now the in thing is being assertive and not aggressive in your approach to life.

Something for sharing

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