Saturday, May 1, 2010

Labour Day

Labour Day or Workers Day renews the commitment of the working class to stand in solidarity against exploitative nature of capitalism. As we celebrate Labour Day, it is imperative for us to reflect upon the challenges which we face from day to day.

The call for workers to unite
Globalization is one factor to consider in the wake of an uncaring form of capitalism. Even the banking sector is not spare as banks have to merge to become stronger in terms of assets management. We have seen banks merged to become giants in the industry. Of late, we have being hearing of Hong Leong taking over the assets and management of EON banks.

The divide between the haves and have nots has increased since the advent of globalization. This has all at the expense of lowering cost to maximize profits.

Outsourcing of work is also another manner in which Corporations/Companies lower wages and maximise profit by shifting labour intensive work to an outsourced Companies. Is this a better management of staff? This leaves much to be desired.

Happy Labour Day to one and all.

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